Meteor - A BitTorrent Tracker

Meteor is a high-performance BitTorrent tracker, written in C++23. It offers the following features:

To compile and run Meteor, you will need to install several dependencies:

You can install the required dependencies using the following command:

$ apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev build-essential libev-dev libmysql++-dev cmake

To run Meteor, use the following command:

$ ./meteor -c /etc/meteor/metor.yaml

You can also start and check the status using the following commands:

$ systemctl enable --now meteor
$ systemctl status meteor

To build Meteor, use the following commands:

$ git clone
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ /usr/local/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/make -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++ -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -S ./Meteor -B ./Meteor/build
$ /usr/local/bin/cmake --build ./Meteor/build --target Paeony -- -j 18

Meteor is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the license file. The author of this project is carlo.

Thanks to nexuphp, Rhilip, and Ourbits for their support.

Many thanks to JetBrains for providing a license for working on this and other open-source projects.
